My name is Verónica Esplá, I started my professional career in Verónica Esplá your home in Alicante in June 2010, in charge of the renovation and decoration of a house in C / Rabasa. In March 2012, new challenge C / Condes de Soto Ameno .In December 2012, comprehensive reform of C / Santa Felicitas. In January 2013 C / José María Py, C / Enrique Cerdán Tato, in February 2014 C / Cataluña in Playa San Juan.
The idea of business arose when I was aware of the tourist potential of my city, Alicante, and the new trends in traveling to reduce costs for travelers without giving up the quality of accommodation.
I surround myself with qualified professionals who helped me shape my project, Mira Zaplana Abogados gave legal form to my business idea.
One maxim of the company is "best service". Offer a better service for our customers.
To belong to Verónica Esplá your home in Alicante, we need passion.
In our work it is important to be rigorous, to have the activities well planned and to give a good service to our clients, and that is what we offer both homeowners and tenants.
We pamper every detail of the houses so that when the new occupants arrive they will find a house comfortable and clean where they are at home.
Our houses have been designed and configured to offer you the greatest rest and the possibility of enjoying the benevolent weather of our locality.